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Congratulations Free to Move member Cathy Kalab!

Watch the short video and see Cathy nailing it...
“big toe up other 4 toes stay softly down; big toe down other 4 toes up” + swop-

Does your brain recognise you have toes? 

Can you gently press each toe individually into the ground – without the others joining in?

Did you know that for every 1% we can improve your big toe abilities it can improve your balance by up to 7%?

It doesn’t matter what your feet look like right now, improvement is limitless…It’s never too late to start.

Each week in class we create movement in our feet to encourage their capability through simple tasks which challenge them, improving coordination, mobility, and strength.

So thanks Cathy for showing us and encouraging us that it can be done

And by the way…

Ready to improve an area of your movement?
Let’s chat and see how I can best help you…

Phone: 0418 898 328

Find me on Social Media:

Wanting to be more flexible, balanced, and strong?

Book a time with Inez and let's see how we can help.
Disclaimer: Free To Move offers health and fitness information which is designed for educational purposes only. The information is not medical advice. This information is not a substitute for and does not replace professional medical diagnosis, advice or treatment. If you have any questions we would always recommend you consult your Doctor or health-care professional. Do not do these exercises if your Doctor or health-care professional advises against it. If you experience pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, or faintness at any time when exercising you should stop immediately. Health and fitness is an ever changing science and as new research and clinical experiences broaden our knowledge, we will endeavour to ensure these changes are incorporated in everything we present to you.
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