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About Inez Musgrove - Movement Therapist

About Inez

Hi I’m Inez Musgrove. If you have noticed your body has tightened up and you are starting to lose your ability to move freely, I’d love to help you.

You see, I know how debilitating it can be to lose your mobility.

About 10 years ago I suffered a serious back injury. For 9 months, my injury made it impossible for me to sit down, instead I was forced to either kneel, stand, or lie down.

Throughout this period, I bounced (or more accurately hobbled) from one specialist to the next looking for answers. While some treatments provided relief and respite from the pain. I battled with thinking I would never regain my full range of movement and pain would be my constant companion.

I refused to believe there was no answer to restricted movement, so after nearly 3 years of desperately trying to find a long-term solution to my health challenges I discovered what is now my individual movement solution program.

By combining soft tissue therapy with a regular movement program, I had found my pathway back to health.

As others saw the results I experienced they started asking me for help with their own challenges.

This led me on my journey of learning where I spent the next ten years studying the best movement specialists in the world. Today I have combined my own recovery journey with what I have learnt from others to create my own unique Individual Movement Solution.

A system that provides people with a one-stop solution to their mobility challenges.

Today my classes and private consultations have helped clients across Australia to dramatically improve a range of health challenges.

From regaining lost mobility, balance, and stability, through to resolving ongoing issues with necks, shoulders, chest, hips, pelvises, knees, feet & ankles.

Whether you are in pain, fear suffering a fall, or feel stressed about your diminishing range of movement, I can tell you from experience, it doesn’t have to be that way.

As an active grandmother of 6 I knew I wanted to remain mobile and active and flexible.

It starts in your mind. If you buy into the false belief that getting stiff is a part of life and there’s nothing you can do about it then you will get stiffer and lose mobility.

But if you are willing to open your mind to the possibility that you can regain your mobility and get back to, or maintain, your ability to do the things you love, then you’ve taken your first step to a more mobile, flexible, and balanced life.

If you want to experience being able to move freely, feel revitalised and refreshed and filled with energy, it is possible.

I have successfully treated a wide range of issues including acute and chronic restrictions.

No matter what you are experiencing, or what alternative therapies you have tried, if you want to talk to someone who will take the time to listen, can help you identify how best to regain mobility, stability, and additional energy…

I am here for you.

Wanting to be more flexible, balanced, and strong?

Book a time with Inez and let's see how we can help.
Disclaimer: Free To Move offers health and fitness information which is designed for educational purposes only. The information is not medical advice. This information is not a substitute for and does not replace professional medical diagnosis, advice or treatment. If you have any questions we would always recommend you consult your Doctor or health-care professional. Do not do these exercises if your Doctor or health-care professional advises against it. If you experience pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, or faintness at any time when exercising you should stop immediately. Health and fitness is an ever changing science and as new research and clinical experiences broaden our knowledge, we will endeavour to ensure these changes are incorporated in everything we present to you.
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